by Taylor Thermometers
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Get an accurate temperature reading on cooked foods with Taylor's Digital Thermometer. The water-proof thermometer displays an easy-to-read 4-digit LCD readout on a 1-inch dial. The 5-inch stainless-steel stem stores in an antibacterial storage and carrying sleeve. The temperature range is from -40 to 450 degrees F, and -40 to 230 degrees C. The NSF-listed thermometer uses a watch battery for power and an on/off button protects the life of the battery. The thermometer measures 5-3/4 inches long and comes backed by a 1-year warranty.
Flat-Edged Dial Safe-T-Guard Thermometer with Antimicrobial Sleeve. Special additive in the sleeve material inhibits bacterial and fungal growth. Thermometer is waterproof for dependable use in kitchen or lab environments. Field calibratable. Auto-off feature saves on battery life.