by Bormioli Rocco
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Wine and spirits aside, a home bar requires glassware. After the all-purpose wine glass, perhaps the next essential addition to one’s bar is a rocks glass, like those found in this seven-piece gift set from Bormioli Rocco. Made at Bormioli Rocco’s headquarters in Parma, the gift set provides six rocks glasses and a 33-1/2-ounce decanter with a stopper for whiskey or another spirit. The 9-1/2-ounce glasses also make great vessels for various mixed drinks, such as amaretto sours or White Russians. The set reflects the Parma region’s long legacy of glass artistry in the beautiful starburst pattern of the decanter and traditional cut to the glasses. For user ease, the rocks glasses are dishwasher- and microwave- safe. The set weighs 7 pound upon shipping.
Classic Cut look Whiskey set