by MIU France
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This package of flexible plastic cutting boards from MIU France protects your countertop, simplifies food safety, and stores in any narrow slot of extra kitchen space. Though the boards are flat, they have ample surface area and can be used on either side. MIU France recommends designating the colors according to food category to prevent cross-contamination--yellow for poultry, green for produce, and red for raw meat. Once food is chopped or diced, you can pick up the board, curl it to contain the pieces, and transfer them cleanly to bowls or pots. Safe in the dishwasher, each board measures 11 by 15 inches. --Emily Bedard
These handy, flexible cutting boards are color coded for different food groups to minimize cross-contamination and to protect countertops. Blue for fish, red for meats, yellow for poultry, green for vegetables and white for general purposes. The flexible boards curl easily to transfer chopped food directly into the bowl, pot or pan.