by BergHOFF
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8-Piece Forged Knife set includes 8-Inch Chef knife that is a very versatile knife, used to chop, dice, slice and mince. 8-Inch Carving knife used to cut large pieces of meat into neat and even slices. 9-Inch bread and utility knife, this serrated knife cuts easily through tomatoes and bread as well as frozen foods. 7-Inch Santoku Japanese chef's knife perfect for all your slicing, dicing and chopping needs. 5-Inch utility knife ideal for fruits and garnishing, the all purpose knife. 3-1/2-Inch pairing knife, so valuable for all of your small precision needs, peeling, trimming, turning, garnishing, creative cuts, slicing and numerous other tasks. Kitchen shears for trimming, cutting parsley, opening packaging and clipping strings. Blades are serrated for chicken and shellfish. Cracker built in handle for claws and nuts.